We rounded off our 140th anniversary celebrations on 17th December with a Christmas get together featuring entertainment by Lancashire Nightingale, Amy Hardy and refreshments by Michael aided by his kitchen crew of Gavin, John and Ian.
Our next meeting will be the AGM and hotpot at St Mary's Church Hall, Euxton on Tuesday 21st January begining at 7.30 p.m.
Step into winter with Moe's latest newsletter, now on line
2024 Flower Show - 7th September
A new venue this year - the Community Centre in Euxton proved popular with exhibitors and visitors alike with 420 exhibits staged by 49 entrants.
Details of trophy winners and photos now on the "Flower Show" page.
Our 2024 AGM got under way with a welcome from President Glyn Gregory to all the members who had braved the snowy conditions to attend on Tuesday 17th January at St Mary's Church Hall, Euxton. He handed over to Chairperson, Barbara Joyce who gave
a resume of the year's events and thanked the President, Vice President and Committee for their hard work over the 12 months. She announced her retirement from the Committee saying it had been an honour and a privilege to have served the Society over the last few years.
Glyn Gregory then oversaw the election of a new Chairman and Committee members -
Chairman - David Brown
Vice Chairperson Sharon Meades
Treasurer Josh Hodkinson
Secretary Julie Watson
Committee Denise Willis
Dorothy Gordon
Gavin Prior
Catherine Bromley
Joanne Ashworth
Gordon Halliwell
Stella Jackson
Jim Weldon
John Prior
Judy Weldon
Maureen Sawyer
Finally Glyn awarded Barbara a life membership in appreciation of her work and dedication to the Society